Monday, February 25, 2008

Do you believe in fate?

Have you told yourself before that it is fate that you did not get into a good school or did not get good grades for certain subjects? And you think that there is nothing you can do about it?

I have always believed that fate keeps people from changing their lives for the better. It removes all possibilities that one can achieve. By saying fate to your life only means that you do not wish to do something about it. It is just meant to be. If you are fated to be a genius in studies, then no matter how lazy you are and whatever you do, you will end up scoring straight 'A's for your exams. If you are fated to be a failure in studies, then you are very unlucky. No matter how how hard you work, it will all be taken away. But you know all these are not true. That's no such thing as fate cannot be changed. When you believe in fate, it means that you have absolutely no control over the outcomes in your life. For the people that went to fortune tellers to ask about their fate in life, they have 2 choices after hearing their fate:

1) To change it!
2) Live with it.

One of the causes is because they do not plan for your future path. They walk blindly and believing all the stuffs that makes them feel good. For example, people who went for driving test. Those who fail will usually say it was not their fault. They blame it on the lousy car they are in, on the heavy traffic, on the heavy rain, on the drivers on the road, on the strict tester, etc. They blame the whole galaxy except themselves! Some even resigned to fate after failing numerous times!

Is driving that hard? NO! It is because they do not learn from their mistakes. They always think they are right. I heard of rumors like: "there is a fixed number of people that can pass every month, so you must book your driving test at the start of the month to have higher chance of passing", "do not book the first session for driving test as the testers are still in sleeping mode and will get agitated easily".

What reasons are those? There is no such thing as fixed number of people passing every month and no sleeping testers! If you are really good, there is no reason to fail you!

Back to studies, I strongly believe that every student out there can achieve straight 'A's! There is no such fate that you have no talent in study! There will be a way to achieve those 'A's!

2 new websites for you!

I am glad to present to you 2 websites that had requested to link up with me to provide you with any additional help you need!

Tuition Finder

As the name represents the service, it is a tuition agency that helps you to find for a suitable tutor of your criteria! Be it school teachers, full-time tutors or A Level graduates, Tuition Finder has been very committed in assisting you to find the right tutor! You may also sign up as a tutor so that Tuition Finder can assist to help you get assignments. Look no further! Call up Tuition Finder today to get a tutor!


You may also like to check out on NextTutor. It provides the free service of searching for tutors, assignments and tuition coordinators. It acts as a portal between parents/students and tutors/coordinators. They also have a blog that updates on the latest news and articles that are relevant to your education! NextTutor is committed to improving the tuition industry and the educational arena. So do check out their site for more details!

Thanks for reading!
These 2 links can be found on my Links section! I understand that not everyone out there is looking for tuition. But do inform your friends, if you know they could benefit from this!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Do 1-to-1 tuition help in your studies?

How many of you have home tuition lessons?

Did your grades improve because of the tutor’s help? For some, it will improve.

If your tutors are motivating, inspiring and teaching you relevant skills to do well in studies, you had got yourself a good tutor and also a motivator.

But in some cases, you will get a tutor that you feel that, you are unable to absorb the points your tutor taught you. In this case, who is at fault?

The answer is both. Firstly, the tutor does not know how to teach and speak in the right tone to attract the student’s attention. Or because the tutor is not interested in teaching. When someone has no passion in doing something, he or she will not do a good job in doing. Also, it may be because the tutor does not have good grades in his or her education level.

Secondly, how much did you pay for that tutor? Face this truth. The amount of money you willing to pay will attract different kinds of tutors. If you paid less than S$20 per hour for a tutor, you will most likely get an average ‘A’ Level graduate or below.

This is the reality. The average rates for a school teacher are at least S$40 per hour! For JC assignments, some school teachers are paid over a hundred bucks for 1 hour of tuition!

Why parents would afford to pay so much for their child’s education? Simply because they want the best for their child. Want them to succeed in their studies.

This shows that some parents will do whatever it takes to assist their child in their education! So, you, as a student should put in your 101% in your studies and make use of your tuition (if you have) as an advantage.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Are Your Beliefs Limiting Or Empowering You?‏

Like it or not, our beliefs play a big role in determining the quality of our lives.

If you believe that math is tough, there is someone out there who believes it is easy. If you believe that it is easy to make a million dollars, there is someone out there who believes it is impossible. If you believe that times are tough, there is always somebody out there who believes it is a great time to make money!

At this time, many people would argue,

But what if the beliefs I have are really true?
What if I am really not good at selling?
What if it the economy is really down and going to stay down?
What if there are really no opportunities around?
What if it cannot be done?
What if I don't have what it takes?

What you must understand is that the beliefs you have are never absolutely true. Beliefs are not proven facts. They are nothing but perceptions, opinions, generalizations we make about the world around us.

For every belief you hold, no matter how much you think it is true,there is always somebody out there with a totally opposite belief. And to them, their belief is as valid as yours is to you.
The following example illustrates how one person has the power to change the belief of others.

Breaking the Beliefs of the World

For hundreds of years, runners had never been able to run one mile in less than four minutes. Many had attempted this feat but had fallen short. As a result, it was generally believed, and supposedly backed up as fact by the medical community, that it was not possible for a human being to run that fast!

All these changed in 1954, when defying all conventions, all it took was for a single person to break these facts and records. Roger Bannister, a postgraduate student from Oxford University set a goal to be the first to break this 'impossible record'. The fact was that he was nowhere near being the best runner of his time. There were many other runners better than he.

But this didn't deter Roger. Besides physical training, he engaged in a lot of mental training. He kept visualizing himself breaking the four-minute time barrier.

Then, on May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister stunned the world by running the mile in three minutes and 54 seconds. That was not the most amazing thing. What was truly amazing was that, within a year, 37 other runners had broken his record. Within the next three years, over 300 runners had repeated the same feat. For so long, nobody came close to Roger Bannister's record. The minute an 'ordinary' person achieved the feat, it led to many others achieving it too.

This proves that what holds people back in tapping their fullest potential and achieving their goals is not a lack of capability,but a lack of strong empowering beliefs. Beliefs are never absolutely true, but it becomes totally true for the person who believes in it! This is simply because whatever we believe becomes our reality.

The essence is for us to constantly challenge ourselves by examining the effects of our beliefs, and finally to adopt empowering beliefs that will lead us to success.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Do Goals Motivate You?

How many say yes, goals motivate you? How many say not all the time?

The answer is not all the time. Because I know some people, when they set their goals, they said they want all these things, but they don’t feel like doing. Goals do not motivate you, goals only give you a direction of where to move towards. Goals only give you the benchmark of where to hit but it is not going to get you there.

Let’s imagine you are a spaceship and you set a goal. You say ‘my goal is to reach the moon.’ So by setting a goal, you give yourself a direction. Gives you a benchmark of where you are going to hit. But what gets you there is not the goal, it is the thrust and the push and this comes from the fuel. In a human being, what is the fuel that pushes us everyday? What creates that fuel? One of them is passion. You see when you set a goal, you are telling yourself, ‘I want this.’ But beside the ‘what’, you also have a ‘how’ right? The technique is ‘how’. But besides the ‘how’, there is another thing called the ‘why’.

Now between the ‘how’ and the ‘why’. Which is more important?

It is the ‘why’. Because it gives you a purpose. You see, when you have a strong ‘why’, will you find the ‘how’? You will find the ‘how’. But I can give you all the ‘how’ and you don’t have the ‘why’, you will never achieve anything.

What is this ‘why’? this ‘why’ is called our values. What do values mean? Values are so called your emotional hot buttons. It is the emotional reasons why you want to do something. There are some people who are very driven very much by freedom. Some are driven very much by competition. Some are driven very much by security.

So, you must know what drives you. What drives you may not be the same thing that drives another. The moment you discover your values and you align them to your goals, you have this thing called natural motivation. Let me put in this way. When we do things with a very clear purpose, all of us become naturally motivated. And you owe it to yourself to find out what is your mission.

Therefore, in my e-book on creating your goals, under Step 2: List All The Benefits & Reason For Achieving that Goal and Step 5: Emotionally Charge Your Goal are essential and important.

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming

N stands for this thing called Neuro. What is Neuro? Neuro means our neurons, our nervous system, our brain. It is how your brain works, how the brain functions. Not from a biological perspective but from a psychological perspective. Like for example, why do you think the way you think? Why do we all think differently? Why do you have certain emotional patterns in your life? It is because of the way your brain forms patterns. And it will affect your behaviors and results.

The second part is called Linguistic. What does linguistic means? Language. How language affects your neurology. Not foreign languages but the structure of language. Think about it, is it possible when you talk to someone, let’s say you talk to your client, or you talk to your siblings or friends. Is it possible that something you said can inspire a person, at the same time, is it possible that something you said can totally upset someone? Because words affect people’s thoughts and emotions. So NLP is a study of how your words affect you.

Do you also communicate with yourself? We communicate with ourselves all the time. So if you are always feeling depressed, or you are always feeling motivated, do you know why? It is the way you are constantly communicating with yourself, your language of the mind.

P stands for Programming. The programs you run as a person. Not computer programs, but what you called neurological habitual programs.

How many of you have this thing called the sian program? Do you know what’s the sian program? It is when you tell yourself, I need to do this. I should do this but I am sian. You get into that pattern, it always happens, we called it procrastination. How many of you have this thing called the fear program? You want to do something and before you do something, fear stops you. A lot of people have this thing called the fear of public speaking. And some people when they talked to you, they feel totally comfortable and they can speak to you for hours. But the moment you put them on stage, they see the audience, what happens? Their minds cannot work anymore. Why? Because their brains run certain neurological patterns. They start to imagine themselves screwing up and their legs start shaking. But another person looks at the audience and feels totally relaxed. Why?

Because of the neurological conditioning inside us. If you have certain patterns in your head that sabotages you, can you change this pattern? Yes, you can. But a lot of us were never taught how to do it. We were taught just to work hard, just do it, but how?

By using NLP on yourself, you can program yourselves to feel motivated in just 5 minutes! I highly recommend one to master NLP. It is a powerful program that can change your life!

You can always google search ‘NLP’ to find out more.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Keywords Explained!

Do you want to know the keywords’ definitions?

Do you know what information you should give when you see the words ‘compare’, ‘define’, illustrate’, ‘differentiate’, relate’, ‘discuss’, etc. ?

Just take a look and you will understand better.

Simply Right-Click and Save As on the link below to download now:

>> Keywords Explained <<