Saturday, October 20, 2007

Answering the questions..

There are two rules you should follow in answering any kind of question.
They are:

1. Always Read Critically

Always read each question slowly and carefully before attempting to answer it. Did you experience doing a question that you thought you had done it before in earlier tests before? Students often read the first few words and assume that the question is the same as one that they have done before, in earlier tests and homework. You may end up giving an answer that it is totally off the point.

Remember that it takes only one word to change the meaning of an entire question. If we do not read carefully, we may miss that crucial word and misunderstand the whole question. So, always be alert to critical key words that appear in the question.

For example, do not read 'and' where the questions say 'or'. Also, do not confuse 'which of the following are 'true' with which of the following statements are 'not true'.

2. Give the Right Amount Of Information

Never dive into a question without knowing what is actually required. If you do so, you may give too little information, too much information or information that is totally irrelevant.

The first step is to know how much information to give. The marks allocated to each question are often a very good gauge. If a question is awarded five marks then you would normally required to produce five points, and so on.

For example,
What are the features of an effective thermometer? [3]
You do not need to state down all the features of an effective thermometer. Just state 3 features is sufficient to score full marks for this question.

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