Monday, October 8, 2007

How to change your mindset and take control of your mind!

You often hear people complain that they are not as smart as other people. They say they have a slower brain, a less creative brain or one that just cannot absorb anything. ‘If I was smarter, I would do a lot better in school’ is one of the most common excuses I hear.

Here, I will give you tips to train a person’s intelligence. There is no such thing as ‘not intelligent’. If you are not intelligent, it is your fault! It is the tedious process that most people hate to do to become ‘intelligent’.

If you are lousy at something, do more of it!

What is the implication? If you are lousy at maths, what should you do? That’s right! You have got to keep doing more and more maths! By doing more and more, maths will become easier and easier! The first time you tried ice-skating, I bet it seemed really difficult to balance. After a few rounds, it became effortless! Your brain learned to balance. This sounds really simple but most students do not follow this basic principle. We tend to hate and avoid subjects we are lousy at, giving the excuse that they are boring or that we are just not interested in that subject. At the same time, we tend to do more and more of what we are good at like playing computer games. That’s why we get better and better!

The more you use your brain the better it gets. Your brain is just like a muscle. The only way to grow a muscle and get it big and bulging is to stress it, challenge it and carry things that are heavier than what you normally take. It’s the same thing with your brain. Everyday, find something that you find really difficult to understand or learn and challenge yourself to figure it out. That’s the secret to getting smarter!


Goals create the driving force behind every success. You must dare to dream! You must understand that everything happens by design, not chance. All the millionaires out there do not happen by chance. They set their goals to achieve that! For example, Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods and Steven Spielberg!
You may be wondering to yourself, ‘Wow, if setting goals so powerful in helping you succeed, then why everybody doesn’t set goals?’ When we were young, we all had big dreams and goals about our future. We dreamed about being doctors, firemen, movie stars and heroes. Unfortunately, as we grew up many of us gave up continuing to think about our goals and we stopped setting new ones… There are reasons why people do not set goals. The main reason is…

They Have Low Self Esteem.

When you ask students to aim for the best results and the best colleges, some would say that they could never achieve those results or enter those top colleges. Others would say that it was not for them, that those great results were only reserved for ‘other students’. It could be because in the past, we were told by our parents, teachers or friends that we were lousy or not good enough. All this may have caused us to have low self-esteem.
Remember that all this is not true. In fact, you have tremendous potential within you and that if others can, so can you! You deserve to have the very best in life. Once you understand this, you will begin to set high goals for yourself.
After setting goals for yourself, you must take action to achieve that!

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