Friday, October 12, 2007

What are you labelled as?

Throughout our lives, we constantly make generalisations about all sorts of things, based on our past experiences. We especially make these generalisations about ourselves and they end up becoming beliefs we have about ourselves.

As a result, we collect a whole lot of labels which we then stick onto ourselves. Some of these labels are 'I'm lousy in Maths', 'I'm forgetful' or I can't do it'.

Some of the labels are given by people such as teachers, parents and friends. Over time, we forget that these labels are just generalisations and inaccurate beliefs. We are so used to them that we treat them as realities that we live by. The quality of life you are living right now is a direct results of the labels you have collected and pasted on yourself.

My labels

When I was in primary school, I was forced to memorise the multiplication tables (up to multipes of 12). It was so tough at that point of time. At that point, I do not understand what is multiplication. I just memorise blindly the tables. I only can remember the multiplication table for multiples of 10 as it seems to be the easiest.

Everyone in my class seems to have memorised it so easily. At that point, I gave myself 2 labels which are: 'lousy in memorising' and 'I have no talents for Maths'.

Then something happened that changed my beliefs for Maths forever. During my first Maths test in Secondary One, I scored the highest in the class! Everyone looked at me in shock and a few comments filled the air, 'this guy's really smart', 'he's a natural at Maths', 'he's a maths genius.' The feeling was so good that it motivated me to keep studying so I would go in as a 'genius'. My friends began asking me for help with their homework and I kept receiving praise from the teachers. People began giving me a new label as 'a maths genius' and gradually I began to expect that of myself. Maths suddenly became fun. Eventually, I scored 'A's for both additional and elementary maths for the Ordinary level exams and went on to major in maths in junior college.

Even in junior college, I was also labelled as a genius in maths. My name always appear in the top 10 list for every examination. I became famous. Even people, who I do not know, know about me.

One advice from me: Why wait until someone gives you a 'gifted' label? You can give it to yourself now!

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