Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Are you left or right brain dominant?

I have noticed that anywhere around the world, there will always be some students who are more left-brain dominant while others are more right-brain dominant.


They are normally very neat and organised. They are the ones with neatly combed hair and shirts tucked in their pants. Without fail, their pencil boxes will be well stocked and items neatly arranged. There will always be pens, pencils, a ruler, erasers, etc. Their tables at home are always clean. They will have a place for everything and they will notice and get upset if anyone borrows their things and does not put it back in the right place. These students generally do well in languages, mathematics, crossword puzzles and IQ tests. As a result, they normally excel in school and are the pride of their parents. However, these students tend to be more insensitive and may lack people skills. They are also generally less imaginative, emotional, sociable and creative.


They are the complete opposite! Their hair is always in a mess and their shirts un-tucked. They day-dream in class and are usually very talkative and are easily distracted. They are normally very disorganised. Their rooms usually look like pigsties and their study desks are usually buried under books and papers thrown about. Right brain dominant students do not do too well in school as they have short attention spans and find mathematics confusing. However, these students usually excel in sports, arts, music, socialising and creative-based activities. They also get along very well with people and tend to be more in tune with others' feelings.

Which category do you think you most likely fit into?

Also, there are students who display both characteristics. These are the people who are able to use both sides of the brain. Some of them may not realise it and thought they are right brain dominant.

Those who are trained to use both sides of the brain at all times are usually known as geniuses. By learning how to use both sides of the brain simultaneously to learn, you can more than double your brain power!

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