Monday, October 15, 2007

Do you really want to succeed?

In life, we always think that it is almost impossible to achieve your dream. Many people doubt they can ever make it. The fact is that if you put in your 101% in pursuing your dreams, you will eventually achieve it.


Some people will TRY to succeed in what they do. They WOULD LIKE to score 'A's and they WISH to produce great results. This is a loser 's frame of mind. Losers when they don't do well, the first thing they always do is they like to give a lot of excuses like 'the test too difficult', 'no time to study' or 'my maths teacher not good in teaching'. After they gave these excuses, they always blame the whole galaxy except themselves. It is not their fault! Instead of improving, all they like to do is to bitch and complain.

When winners WANT to succeed, it means that it is a MUST for them! They will not accept anything less. If they do get anything less, they will do whatever it takes to get what they want (provided it is ethical). What does this mean? It means if you have to study 10 hours a day, you will study 10 hours a day. If it means that you have to totally change the way you study, you will do it! If it means that you have to sacrifice your favourite computer games, you will do it. You will do whatever it takes to get those 'A's. If you are that committed to achieve something, you will definitely achieve it!

Unfortunately, many students do not WANT to succeed. They simply WOULD LIKE to succeed or think they SHOULD succeed. To these students, scoring 'A's and getting into top universities will be great. But it is not a MUST for them. There is hardly any commitment and power behind their desire. As a result, they will only try things as long as it is not too difficult, too much work or outside their comfort zone.

As a friend, I urge you to read my Blog from the Frame of Mind of a Winner. I believe you can achieve great things but you must make it a MUST for yourself! You must be willing to do whatever it takes, no matter how uncomfortable or tough it may be!

Below is a cartoon for your entertainment. the top picture illustrates a Winner's Frame of Mind: The mountain is the mountain he MUST climb. The below picture is just for your laughter. =)

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

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