Monday, October 8, 2007

I don't know.exe

Do you know the way to stop your brain from thinking? It is the virus named ‘I don’t know.exe’. When you say I do not know, you are actually telling your brain to stop thinking. I know you are guilty of it because I must admit I have done it a few times myself. When you are faced with a question and you answer, ‘I do not know!’. your brain will stop thinking of any solutions. Instead you should respond by saying ‘Let me think about it’ and start thinking!

Giving a bad answer is better than no answer at all because at least it starts the thinking process.

There are some other ways that stop brain stimulation that you may not know that you commited:

  1. Skipping chapters or information you think are too difficult or confusing.
  2. Being afraid of asking questions when you do not know of something.
  3. Only learn things you find easy.
  4. Copying answers from friends without finding out how to solve the questions.
  5. Being afraid of asking or answering questions in class.

Obviously the anti-virus program for these ways are:

  1. Never ever skip difficult topics and chaoters, but get excited to figure out the answer!
  2. Exposing your mind to information beyond the textbooks by reading outside the curriculum.
  3. Understand that the only way to get smarter is to make mistakes and get confused first.
  4. Challenge yourself by attempting new and more difficult questions and materials everyday.
  5. Keep asking and answering lots of questions in the classroom.

After you installed the anti-virus program in your brain, you will realise that you become smarter than before and you will think that studying is challenging instead of boring.

How I know? I tried it before! =)

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